How Living With Neighbours Can Damage Your Ceiling

If you own a unit within a block of flats and have neighbours all around, you may not even notice them and might be quite happy with your sanctuary. However, something else other than loud music or the patter of tiny feet may alert you to their presence, and it could be the appearance of a stain on the ceiling. How is this relevant to the neighbours above, what is causing it and what should you do?

Hidden Risks

Your ceiling will typically be made from plasterboard or drywall material and is very thin. In between your unit and the one above is a small cavity. Above that will be the floorboards and joists that hold up your neighbouring apartment, but in between these two surfaces will likely be water pipes, cables and so on.

Leaky Toilets

While the pipes themselves may not cause you any trouble over time, the U-bend in the neighbour's toilet often will. This is usually located out of sight, but a blockage can cause a leak, and this water has only one way to go—down.

More often than not, a leak like this is rather subtle and will build up over time, but eventually the dampness will find its way through your plaster ceiling and manifest itself—initially—as an odd stain. In a short space of time, this is likely to grow, and eventually you may notice some dripping water from the area.

Taking Action

If you haven't done so already, get in touch with the building maintenance people so that they can investigate the source of the leak and turn it off. You'll also need to bring in a repair specialist so that they can fix the damage to your plaster ceiling, but not before you investigate the area above it. It's possible that a lot of mould and mildew has built up due to this dampness, and it needs to be removed professionally, or it can be a risk to your health.

Watch out for Storms, As Well

Of course, you cannot blame all leaks on the upstairs neighbour. Australia can see more than its fair share of significant storms, and wind-driven rain could penetrate any building. You may notice the first signs along the ceiling nearest to the exterior wall.

Getting Help

Once again, if you notice any inconsistencies in the surface of the ceiling, bring in a damage repair specialist for their advice.

401 Words

About Me

Damian's Damage Contractor Blog Hi, my name is Damian and this is my damage contractor blog. When my house was badly damaged by a fire, the damage contractors helped me to demolish the parts of the building which could not be saved and to repair those rooms and floors which could be restored. I live in a very large house and it is my pride and joy. Not only did the fire cause damage, but so did the water used to extinguish the blaze. I am so impressed with the service provided to me by the damage contractors. I hope you like this blog.




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